High tensile loads with magnitudes of more than 3,800 gross tonnes have been daily business at Lappwaldbahn Cargo construction material logistics for years. In order to be able to effectively and economically handle this expanding transport in the future, taking particular consideration of environmental protection, two six-axle EuroDual locomotives from the manufacturer Stadler were put into service at Lappwaldbahn Cargo in 2021. The bi-modal locomotives prove themselves with their impressive power of 2,800 kW in diesel and 7,000 kW in electric drive mode and reach a top speed of 120 km/h in both forms of traction. Thanks to the ‘last mile capability’, even the heaviest trains can be strung along the entire path with one and the same locomotive. The EuroDual provides Lappwaldbahn Cargo with plenty of economical and ecological benefits. The locomotive fulfils TSI requirements and class IIIB European emission limit values.